I make an American flag cake every year, and this year I wanted to make the full 13 stripes. I really went back and forth about doing white cake and red cake layers, or just red cake layers with white frosting in between. I finally decided on just red cake and white frosting because I am baking in a toaster oven after all. I sent it in to Jeff's work, and they ate half, and we'll eat the other half. The cake was Sweetapolita's Rainbow Doodle Cake base, just dyed red and blue, and the frosting is Kara's SMBC. I had big plans for the outside decorations, but when I finished stacking it at midnight, I decided to just put a rustic spin on it instead :) Next year will be all 13 layers of cake, white and red cake, and some fancy decorations around the outside. Next year I won't have a 3 month old to entertain, so I'll have more time, yeah right.